

Issue #28 Wanted: One Hero to Hire!

February 12, 2009
We are in desperate need of a hero who can lead.
We need our leaders to lead both in business and in government. They need to reset their moral compass and begin to focus on what is really important; leading this county through one of the most difficult self inflicted financial disasters in history. While they are busy moving the deck chairs around the Titanic renamed the (USS Stimulus), consumers, industries, real people are hurting.
The consumer is looking to someone, a hero, a leader that they can believe in and follow.
The conduct of some of the world’s largest companies, corporations and major business leaders has been nothing more than fraudulent. They have lost their way. Leadership, corporate responsibility, integrity are all under valued and abused concepts. They are sending the message to their employees and customers that trusting big business is for fools and losers. How many examples do you need?
If you didn’t see the 60 Minutes interview with US Airways Flight 1549 Pilot, Chesley Sully Sullenberger who landed his airliner in the New York’s Hudson River and saved all 155 passengers and crew you must watch it now.
He embodies all the qualities of a leader. He demonstrates grace under incredible pressure. His sense of responsibility for the people in his charge is inspiring. His humility and self control in the face of the biggest crisis in his career is the stuff of great men.
This interview needs to be shown in every board room across the country in both private and public sectors. This interview must be mandatory viewing in every business school in Canada and the US.
Please watch this excellent interview with the following "representations" in mind;
The passengers represent us
The plane represents our country
The flock of birds flying into the engines represents the greed and misconduct of the all failed companies that heavily contributed to our current economic situation.
Captain Sullenberger represents our leaders.
The rescuers represent the coordinated effort of business and government that is needed.
Simply click on the link below.

Heroes and leaders are ordinary people who are capable of extraordinary acts.
We have choices in our lives; wait to be led or lead. How can you be a leader in your everyday life? We can make a difference one person, one employee, one customer at a time. Leadership is simply the ability to organize and inspire a group of people (clients, customers, employees) to reach a common goal. Leaders shy away from the spotlight and prefer to shine it on others. Leaders influence decisions by actions not rhetoric. Leaders manage in the background. Leaders take a selfless approach to their business. A leader does not rape and pillage. Leaders serve.
I suggest to you that you are a leader. You make a difference regardless of your role. It just sometimes requires a slight attitude adjustment. The side benefit for you is how you will feel more confident and self assured, decisive and therefore more valuable.

Stay in a good mood.
(Note: If you aren't on the "alert list" and would like to have your name added, please just send me a reply email).

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