

Issue #13: Meet The Milennials

September 15, 2008

Welcome back, and thank you for taking a minute. I have been doing research on behalf of a few of my clients lately around targeting their products to different consumer groups and what method, (new media, traditional media, combination of both etc) and which creative approach will best relate a client’s product or service to specific consumer groups. One group I was looking at actually lives in our basement.

Meet The Millennials… people born between 1980 & 1995.
60 Minutes aired a story some months ago that summarized in 12 minutes the challenge of managing this generation of employees. But there are lessons to be learned in terms of how to market to them as well.
If you missed the story, click on the link below to view. BTW: there is a commercial leading into the story.

The Millennials!

This story is just scratching the surface, but It is more evidence that a consumer target of Adults 25 – 54 is irrelevant. Smart advertisers and those who market media services will eventually have to revisit methodology. It is obvious that a 25 year old will not relate to your product as a 50 year old will with a single message. But if you sell cars, furniture, houses, financial services, whatever, the younger consumers are important as they will carry your business into the future.
One suggestion is that demographic targets should probably be split into 10 year segments where lifestyles and interests are similar.
IE: Adults 35- 45. It is more work and requires more planning. But the end result is more effective communication with potential customers and effective use of marketing dollars. (it isn’t going to get any easier).

In terms of managing them, be a buddy, excuse poor work habits and shave your head. That ought to work,

Please feel free to forward M$Ms.
And once you have watched the story, let me know and I will send your mom a note…good job.

Stay in a good mood,

Issue #12: A Quick Heads Up

September 3, 2008

Stephen Harper to Call a Fall Election, Possible Date is October 14, 2008.

M$M: If what you have been hearing in the news reports on radio and TV are true, available commercial inventory on radio and TV stations may be sold out very quickly. The reason? Fall is traditionally a busy time for media outlets anyway. If the election call comes, by law radio and TV stations MUST set aside commercial inventory for the national political parties throughout the campaign.. Local candidates’ advertising does not count against this total.

For broadcasters inventory management is critical in order not to BUMP local or national clients in order to provide the necessary time for the federal parties.

For business people and retailers waiting for special rates or discounts, my advice is not to wait much longer. Book your fall flights.

Electronic media is a supply and demand business. A federal election will increase demand substantially.

Stay in a Good Mood.

Issue #11: Bell, Bologna and Suits

August 38, 2008

Well Hello,

I know it’s been a month or so since we last talked. I hope that you have taken time to relax and recharge your intellectual battery.

A few interesting news items in business, advertising and marketing have occurred, so lets get caught up.

1.) Bell Hangs Up On 2,500 Jobs is from July 29th, The by Tony Wong, Business reporter. “Canada's largest telecommunications company has announced that it would cut the management ranks at its Bell Canada phone subsidiary to provide an annual savings of $300 million in salaries. The $52 billion leveraged buyout of BCE – the largest of its kind in the world… by a group led by the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan and U.S. private equity buyers. BCE is set to take on $32 billion in debt as a result of the buyout, which means there is pressure to improve cash flow at the telecom, say analysts. However, BCE said yesterday that "non-management front line service" positions would not be affected by the cuts.

MSM: Firing 2500 mid and senior management people will not impact customer service? How can you connect those dots? The new owners need to deal with the debt of the purchase and continue to return value to their shareholders. I get it. This is a slippery slope. In essence they have purchased ( or will purchase, deal is due to be done by Jan 1,09) equipment, land, technology and the past performance record of that company. Inspired corporate performance comes from it’s people. It is managers and leaders of that company that are responsible for providing an atmosphere of creativity and loyalty of the employees department by department in order to deliver customer service and continued profit for the company. What happens to the psyche of the employees of these fired managers? They probably hear footsteps, real or not. Therefore they won’t give of themselves or go that extra mile on behalf of the business interests of that company. Eventually the result is less performance, less customer satisfaction, less profit. Your business is; your people. It is the one distinctive competitive advantage you can control. By the way, I am sorry to see Frank and Gordon leave. I thought that campaign was brilliant. Others may disagree.

2.) “Trust is Hard to Earn and Easy to Lose.” So what does Maple Leaf Foods do now?
Eleven deaths are now being attributed to the listeriosis outbreak from the Maple Leaf Foods plant in Toronto. There are 26 confirmed cases of listeriosis across Canada, while another 29 suspected cases remain under investigation. The number of suspected and confirmed cases are likely to rise.

MSM: This is a tragedy for those poor people affected. We won’t rehash the story that’s not our role. Maple Leaf, formed in 1898 is facing the challenge of it’s corporate life. At this date, it is impossible to tell if the brand will survive. What is next for Maple Leaf? What would you do? Legal will be kept busy for the foreseeable future, but how would you go about the heavy task of rebuilding trust & credibility with customers?

A positive first step in a long parade is now on You Tube. It is a message from President and CEO of Maple Leaf Michael McCain addressing this issue. Watch it for yourself and be the judge.
Maple Leaf, true or not, is perceived to have become complacent with process and now is paying the ultimate price.

The lesson; “The Bullet That Gets You Is The One You Never Hear.”
Take the temperature of your business, your competitive advantages and disadvantages.
Review your business philosophy and goals with your people. Look for weaknesses in your systems, image & customer experience. Ask your employees. They might have answers to the questions they’ve never been asked. No one wants to get Maple Leaf-ed.

3.) Special Pricing Offer JUST For Oil Company Executives

So here’s the idea. Oil companies do not have an exclusive right to these “automated price change signs”. Get one.

When oil company executives come into your store or place of business start rolling prices…up,
Then down,
Then hold it for a minute.
Oops, there it goes….up again.
“We just got word, dress socks just went up .50 cents a pair from the time you walked from that department to the cash…no really”.
“Hey, don’t blame me, it is The World Sock-Cartel.

Thanks for letting me into your in-box once again. I promise shorter Minutes in the future.
Stay in a good mood,


Issue #10: Fetch

July 24, 2008

Hello Again,

It’s been a couple of weeks and I have racking my brain (not really) to share interesting, entertaining or informative items that will provoke thought. But in the dog days of summer, I have become….uh…just lazy.

1.) The Dog Days of Summer??

The term "Dog Days" was coined by the ancient Romans. The Dog Days originally were the days when Sirius, the Dog Star, rose just before or at the same time as sunrise. The ancients sacrificed a brown dog at the beginning of the Dog Days to appease the rage of Sirius, believing that that star was the cause of the hot, sultry weather. (Take that David Suzuki).

2.) “Economic Growth to Pick Up”, Carney Says

M$M: If you missed what Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney said last Thursday, I have attached a link to Globe & Mail’s Report on Business. Mr. Carney also wins this week’s award for “Old Words, New Meaning” with the phrase “The New Normal” … Read on.

3.) “Your Reputation Is Simply Something That Is Said About You When You Are Not In The Room.”

M$M: Your is the first thing a person thinks of when your name or business is mentioned.
It is their immediate feeling or impression of what you stand for and what they might expect when dealing with you or your company.
In advertising, this is called Branding.

Example: What is the first impression or feeling do you get when you think of “Boiled Cabbage”? That’s branding.

In sales whether it is Retail, B2B, or Media; your reputation or brand is earned by your actions. A great reputation is hard to earn and easy to lose.

4.) Last Thought:

M$M: The Sub Prime Meltdown in the U.S. is simply the global version of 10 minutes on the stairs for bad behavior.

Stay in a good mood,

Issue #9: Service, Selection and Cliches

July 02, 2008

M$M: I offer the following as a PUBLIC SERVICE to all business people, retailers and professional media sales people.

The next time you are struggling to find the right connecting words for your advertising (or your client’s advertising), look no further than the below list of words that are guaranteed to be…words.

There is some wonderfully creative result oriented advertising being done by ingenious marketers and it works.

Unfortunately even today, it is outnumbered by much advertising anchored in mediocrity. This has given birth to the marketing term;
“Ad Avoidance.” It’s when consumers purposely attempt to avoid your message or that of your client. This act is demonstrated in the following manners: fast forwarding, punching to the next station, turning the page or clicking off the site.

It should be called “Bad Ad Avoidance”. “Sale ends 6pm Saturday” advertising in any form has no meaning or value to the consumer. (I could go on for an hour this topic, but I won’t).

The challenge in your advertising relationships is how do you avoid turning your business (or your client’s business) into a cliché?
Don’t settle…great advertising creative is out there. Get it. You deserve it. Cliché
a trite, stereotyped expression; a sentence or phrase, usually expressing a popular or common thought or idea, that has lost originality, ingenuity, and impact by long overuse

Do any of the words or phrases sound familiar in your advertising?

The Last Words In Advertising Courtesy of The Great George Carlin
just click on the link below.

M$M: And finally, Thanks to many people for the great feedback from last weeks MOOD$WiNG Minute #8, Its appreciated.
So in the future, we will add WORDS of the WEEK.

New Word or Phrase / Old Meaning
Right Sizing / You’re Fired

Summer time and the living is easy! Enjoy.

Stay in a good mood,

Issue #8: Old Words New Meanings

June 24, 2008

I love words. My first job in broadcasting was as a writer. That experience has served me well over my career. Advertising after all is an idea based business. Ideas are communicated through language, simple concept. New combinations of old words and phrases are used today to reflect our times and technology. I thought in order to understand the new definitions of words that we should revisit their original meanings. (at least as I remember them).

For example:

New Word or Phrase
/ Old Definition
1. Viral Marketing / Advertising for an After Hours Clinic
2. Synergy / Having Strength to Sin.
3. The Big Bang Theory / Locker Room Gossip
4. Tipping Point / When to Leave the Restaurant
5. 50 Is the New 30 / (Maybe, But You Won’t Get The Music).
6. Carbon Footprint. / What’s left after Walking on Hot Coals.
7. Carbon Tax / A Practical Joke at the end of Walking on Hot Coals
8. Cross Platform / Where Jesus died.
9. Life Coach / Shrink
10.Sensitivity Training / Whatever
11.Opportunistic Parasite / Brother-In-Law
12.Skill Set / Tool Box
13.Deliverables / Shipping Cattle
14.Horizontal Management Structure / He’s asleep.

Marketing Is A Game Of Word Phrases

With such a massive flood of information and advertising, no one has time to listen, read, watch or surf for it all. People will tend to skim the vast amounts of information and catch only on certain words or phrases that interest them. Instead, people want the most value in the least amount of time and satisfy what they want. How then can your advertising or your clients’ advertising stand up and pique that interest?
Advertisers and consumers alike are simply seeking: knowledge, opportunity and value.
You must then use phrases and words that most immediately relate your product or business to those key areas.

Issue #7: Name that Tune

June 17, 2008

I have been thinking about a news item that was in the forefront of media coverage over that last couple of weeks. It isn’t about gas prices. And it isn’t about which Member of Parliament makes poor choices in bed buddies. I have been thinking about “Jingles”

I Can Name that Tune in 5 Notes

It is interesting how many people across Canada who have reacted to the controversy of the CBC decision to walk away from the theme to Hockey Night in Canada.
News coverage, talk shows, internet blogs were all basically condemning the action. A theme song or jingle was actually important to them.

For over 40 years one song has been intimately connected to each and every winter Saturday night. Whether you are a hockey fan or not, every Canadian knows the HNIC “jingle”. (You can hear it in your head right now).
Even if you were in another room and you heard the first five notes, you knew it was hockey time.

While the HNIC broadcast has changed drastically over the years, the one constant was the HNIC “jingle”. As with every business, that musical image was the audio personality of the program.

How many advertisers would love to have a five note recall or associative memory with their audio image or “jingle”?

It can be done. A great audio concept that is aired frequently and with consistency can establish the connection with the listener within seconds.
For example..
Who is “Zoom Zoom”?
The consumer to product association is made; now make an offer.

A strong positioning piece of music for TV or radio actually saves advertising dollars, it doesn’t increase them. Roy Williams “The Wizard of Ads” calls this “The Impact Quotient”

The word “jingle” doesn’t do justice to a theme that has been described as “Canada’s 2nd National Anthem”. But in fact it was written in 1968 by an advertising jingle writer, Dolores Claman. She had written music for everything from toothpaste to toffee.

CTV and TSN have stepped up and purchased the Hockey Night in Canada Anthem for use for their own hockey products and broadcasts. On the surface, it was a great PR move and garnered much support from across the country.
But, how many people will immediately think of CBC each time they hear it?

It’s as if Burger King started using “You Deserve A Break Today.” Hey, there’s a thought.

From an advertising perspective, “I can name your business in 5 notes (or five words)” is possible.
The success or failure of an advertising campaign has little to do with how much you paid for it. It’s what goes INTO it.
Great ads and lousy ads cost the same.

Note: a portion of this minute was resourced from a Globe and Mail article. For the complete story, click on

Stay in a good mood this week. Pass it on.


Issue #6: Born or Raised Digital

June 09, 2008

Good Morning,

A couple of years ago I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Michael Geist. He is a law professor at the University of Ottawa where he holds the Canada Research Chair of Internet and E-commerce Law. Dr. Geist also reports on the Internet and law and is a columnist on technology law issues that regularly appears in the Toronto Star, Ottawa Citizen & Vancouver Sun. Visit his blog and website at It is a fascinating read.

The following is an excerpt from his column of June 3, 2008

Born Digital or Raised Digital

“….. the online environment weaves its way into the fabric of the daily lives of millions of Canadians. Whether for education, entertainment, communication, or commerce, the demographic data demonstrates that an ever-increasing percentage of the population is either "born digital" or has been "raised digital."In Canada, five and a half million people (17 percent of the population) were born after Netscape launched its first web browser in 1994. While these Canadians are not yet eligible to vote, there is another very large cohort that is - the additional seven million Canadians (20.5 percent of the population) who were under the age of 15 when Netscape debuted. Putting this into perspective, it is no exaggeration to say that nearly 40 percent of the Canadian population can scarcely recall a world without the Internet and that this group unsurprisingly views digital issues as important.”

M$M: Gone are the days of consumers driving from place to place comparison shopping. You are open 24/7. Does your site reflect your business principles and what your business offers as a competitive advantage, not just available specials? In most cases, first contact with your business comes from your web site.

To broadcasters, “Selling time for money” reps are the modern age dinosaurs. Today’s professional advertising consultants are not one dimensional. They understand the available media choices and how to exploit and coordinate their advantages on behalf of each client.
Regardless of what you may hear, the “new” media is not a replacement for “traditional” media. Broadcast media gives your website reach, profile and “separation” from the 2000+ other businesses that could show up on a Google word search.

On a Related Topic…
From The Canadian Press, April 2008: After 80 Years, Canadian Tire Stops Publishing Catalogues
"We've done a lot of research around customer shopping habits and the reality is, with consumers, they really are spending a lot more time online. That's where they go to obtain the information they're looking for," said Lisa Gibson, a spokeswoman for Canadian Tire. "There's a lot of research out there that says the readership and retention of annual catalogues is declining, and obviously, as a result [of the change], you're saving that many catalogues from being printed and then ending up in the recycling or garbage."

M$M: Interesting to note that Canadian Tire is still a leading advertiser in traditional broadcast media.
It is worth repeating… nearly 40 percent of the Canadian population can scarcely recall a world without the Internet.
In the mood for a change? Your customers are…

As always, your feedback is appreciated. Please feel free to forward this email to business acquaintances and staff.

Until the next time, Stay in a good mood.

Issue #5:Real Customer Service

May 30, 2008

A couple of weeks ago M$M #3 talked about how to maximize your advertising and marketing dollars with a solid offer presented creatively. You may remember I wrote that “advertising is simply a promise of performance. Will the customer experience the promise from your advertising inside your business? “ The promise made comes from not only advertising but also from your sales people or staff on the floor.

What happens if a client or customer does NOT experience the promise?
M$M: I came across an interesting article written by Ben Barry some time ago that deals with client and customer complaints. This is one of the most important marketing activities you can do for your business. I have edited it for length and added a couple of my own thoughts. I hope you will find it helpful.

The Disgruntled Customer: How to Deal with Customer Complaints.
All business owners fumble. Whenever customers complain, they are actually assisting in building your business.

Critiques reveal something unfavourable about your offering that you previously did not know. You were only made aware of the error because the customer told you. In fact, seeking this same feedback motivates big business to pay expensive marketing consultants and researchers. You get it for free.

Complaints also allow you to create a stronger and more profitable relationship with consumers. When properly managed, complaints turn into increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and referrals.

The following are important steps for turning a negative into an important positive:
Immediacy. Deal with the complaint within the day.
Apologize. When you receive a complaint, apologize first and foremost. Your apology shows the consumer that their experience is of utmost importance to you.
Understand. Summarize the customer's problem to them.
Take Responsibility. Take full blame for the problem, even if others were more responsible than you. Do not make excuses.
Composure. When addressing a complaint, remain calm.
Be Confident. In order for the customer to have confidence that their complaint is being handled correctly.
Repatriation. To further show consumers that their negative experience will not repeat, provide them with an incentive to return to your business
Thank You. Thanking them reaffirms that you were listening, and they are likely to remember that you thanked them for bringing a problem to your attention. Follow up in writing.

Customers have an amazing ability to express the smallest level of disappointment, but they will also tell everyone about an amazing experience.
Please feel free to forward A MOOD$WiNG MINUTE to a friend.
Thank you for your feedback, M$M is now going out to over 140 broadcasters and business people from coast to coast.
If you have missed any of the previous editions and would like receive them, just drop a return email and I will gladly forward them to you.

Stay in a good mood,


Issue #4: Two Words and Tourism

May 20, 2008

Hello again,

I hope that you have been well the last couple of weeks.
Since we last got together the price of gas has gone through the roof, fermenting vegetables will apparently be the next new fuel. And for some unknown reason to most, the price of rice of all things is the next to sky rocket.

I was in my neighbourhood grocery store the other day and there was a sign at the cash that said…”Due to the impending and anticipated price increase of rice we have had no choice but to reflect it in our pricing.” The first thought I had was.. ”we are beating the rush and raising the price now”.

Thank you to so many of you who sent an email to me in regards to TED. I appreciate the feedback. More than a few are spending time with TED.


M$M: This is a great site from the US. I was introduced to it from a friend of mine, Doug Anderson, of Hippo Media It is a site that follows and predicts upcoming consumer trends based on research that they have conducted.
I visit it often. Spend a little time with it. It will give you a sense of what we might expect in the future.
As they say… “In business, adapt or die.”

2.) Tourism
Gas prices, the Canadian dollar, air fare prices, etc, whatever the reason, the tourist industry in your part of the country is bracing for a tough year. People are more than likely to stay close to home this year. What can you do?
M$M: Create a promotion or cross promotion with tourist attractions in your area,. You can use the local tourist attractions to your advantage. A Hometown Holiday. For example, Could you give a gift with purchase? Discount coupons? Free admission coupons?
Most tourist smaller attractions in your area can’t afford a strong marketing campaign so any publicity or promotion would probably be welcome.
My guess is that if you put enough thought into it, you could create a week long holiday for four, a different attraction everyday that would be as enjoyable for winners as if they had traveled out of your trading area. Just a thought.
Bottom-line : If consumers are worrying about higher costs of staple products, chances are they are not thinking about you. Ease the stress. They will thank you for it.

3.) Two Words

Think of a current problem or difficult situation you may be having with an employee, there are only two possibilities of why you aren’t getting desired actions or performance.

M$M: They CAN”T do what you have asked or they WON’T do it. Think of the specific issue and simply ask yourself, which one is it?
Your answer is usually there.

Now if you will excuse me, I will be tearing up my entire backyard and planting corn…and then sell it to Esso.


Issue #3: Advertising 101

May 6, 2008

1.) “You know what they Say.”
A popular saying illustrating how difficult it was to reach potential customers is attributed to John Wanamaker for his department store,

John Wanamaker (July 11, 1838December 12, 1922) was considered the father of modern advertising

"Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.“

M$M: After 100 years it is still true in many cases. We just have many more media options to second guess.

Here are a couple of thoughts for both media sales people and clients:
*Start with an idea.
*Check strategy and tactics.
*Define executables and commitments.
*Measurement Criteria
*Execute with Efficiency

Clarity of Purpose: Have a plan, short term and long term.
Measurements: Have defined expectations that are reasonable, measurable and attainable.
Focus on the Message: Make it memorable.
Advertising is simply a promise of performance.
Will the customer experience the promise from your advertising inside your business?

2.) Specialty TV Revenue Report 2007. Courtesy THE CRTC
This industry continued to experience strong growth in 2007.
The total revenues of $2.7 billion were generated from the following sources:
*$1.2 billion from subscribers of cable distribution services
*$574.8 million from subscribers of direct-to-home satellite services
*$928.8 million from national advertising
*$19.8 million from local advertising, and
*$44.3 million from other revenues.
M$M: I guess that’s why they don’t sell rabbit ears with plasmas.
3.) “The Best Indicator of Future Performance is History”.
M$M: Think about this when you’re in the hiring process or performance evaluations of staff and suppliers.

Issue #2: Introducing TED

April 21, 2008

I would like to thank many of you for the very positive comments and feedback
on the inaugural MOOD$WiNG Minute last week.
If I missed you on the list and you would like to see it, just drop a return email. It would be my pleasure to send it to you.
This week: “TED”
M$M: I was introduced to a website by a business acquaintance last fall, since then I visit it often.
If you haven’t met him yet, I would like to introduce you to TED.
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design.
TED began in 1984 as a conference devoted to the converging fields of technology, entertainment and design. Over the years the scope has broadened, but the formula remains the same: gather the world's leading thinkers and doers; offer them four days of rapid-fire stimulation. The result? Unexpected connections. Extraordinary insights. Powerful inspiration.
The annual conference now brings together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers,
who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes).
M$M: Please give yourself a treat and visit
There are over 200 entertaining 18 minute videos from some of the world’s brightest people such as Richard Branson to Stephen Hawking. One of my favorites is Richard St. John: Secrets of Success in 8 words, 3 minutes
You won’t regret visiting with TED.

Please feel free to forward this to a friend.

Issue #1 First Editon

April 29, 2008
Good Afternoon,

I come across interesting information from time to time and always think who would find this useful? So, I thought that I would send out very short emails periodically to business people that I have come to know over the years.
A MOOD$WiNG MINUTE will be short and sweet, I promise.
I will only send it when I come across or think about an item of interest (at least interesting to me).
A MOOD$WiNG Minute will focus primarily advertising and marketing issues, changing media habits, technology etc. That’s because I am not a doctor.
IF you would prefer not to receive this, just send a return email.
1. Does Ottawa Look on-line?
I have done a little research on behalf of a client … here’s what I found:
The site sees 13 million page views and 360,000 unique users per month.
M$M - That is almost half the population of Ottawa. Its free to individuals, businesses pay an inexpensive fee for banner ads. I knew it was popular, but those numbers blew me away. Based on what I have seen for sale on the site, shoppers are coming from all walks of life in Ottawa and eastern Ontario. (I don’t have any affiliation with the site).
2. The Definition of a “satisfied customer” is simply one who perceives a lack of a better alternative!
M$M - This relationship is based when a customer perceives personal service, attention to detail and product value. Price alone is the last line of defense. If a customer doesn’t believe in you or the quality of what you represent, they won’t do business with you at any price. If you have ever lost a customer because they have told you that competitor X will sell it cheaper, that won’t be the whole story, there is still another reason. You just don’t know it. It might have to do with the customer’s inability to distinguish the difference between the two products or services offered and opted for cheaper.
3. Satellite Radio. According to the Bureau of Broadcast Measurement, Satellite Radio tuning is less than 2% of total tuning in Canada. (Source S4, 2007).
M$M - Most comments are that it has replaced their CD player NOT their favorite local radio station.